Blessed by Him. Blessed by others.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Thank you notes to God

If you really know me you would know....(We are not playing this game BUT honestly if you knew me) you would know that I love texting and talking to my friends 24/7. I was driving home from my Young Life spend the night today and had something REALLY important and exciting to tell one of my friends. I wanted to tell her all about my Young Life graduation/sleepover, etc. When I got to my apartment the FIRST thing I did was text her my exciting information that I just had to share even before I took my bags in my room. When I finally texted her, I told myself, "Wow, I haven't thanked God once for yesterday and all the fun things that happened."

When something important happens in my life, why don't I ALWAYS run to God SO excited barely containing myself like I do my friends?

I think we all have problems with this. And if you don't, please teach me your ways!

I pray. I talk to God. I spend quiet moments with God. And that's all good right? Of course. It's awesome, humbling, emotional, amazing, and glorifying.


I feel like when I pray and ask God for guidance to certain things in my life and he anwsers my prayer, I DO NOT ALWAYS run to Him first saying, "THANK YOU LORD for....." There are times that I thank Him for things that he blesses me with, but it should be EVERYTHING, the FIRST thing we think about.

Before I sent that text to my friend telling her "exciting news" or called up my mom to tell her about my night, I should have gotten on my knees and shared this with God. Thanking Him. Praising Him. Asking Him to make me Christ like.

Gratitude is our most direct line to God and the angels. If we take the time, no matter how crazy and troubled we feel, we can find something to be thankful for. The more we seek gratitude, the more reason the angels will give us for gratitude and joy to exist in our lives.

God blesses us with so much. I encourage every ONE of you to right NOW write ten things you are thankful for and think about if you lost one of them. We are so blessed and we take it for granted every single day.

I don't hesitate for a second to say "Thank You" to a friend for doing something for me or sending a "Thank You" note to someone. Why do I find it difficult to remember to THANK the one who "puts on this show", who "controls my life", "controls my breaths", continues to bless me and knows my every move?

We need to send God thank you notes. For blessing us, keeping us, forgiving us, dying for us, and healing us. Every. Single. Moment.

Sweet Jesus, We'll give thanks to You with gratitude for lessons learned in how to trust in You, thirst for You, and hunger after you. That we are blessed beyond what we could ever dream in abundance or in need.

I don't know about you, but for me, I need to purchase a lot of stamps to send "Thank You" notes to God for everything that He has continuously blessed me with. :)

Today is beautiful. I encourage you to write down ten things you are thankful for and thank God for each and every one of them. Talk to Him. Tell Him why they are so important to you. Pray for all ten of them. It is a humbling experience and it is such a great day today you can even do it outside!

Love you all.


1 comment:

  1. Hey I just found your blog today. I really like your background it is so cute. I love your post, it is so true.
