Blessed by Him. Blessed by others.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Audience of one.

I was listening to a song called "Audience of One" yesterday on the way to the park and it got me thinking about the real, simple truth in it.

Think about a play and the audience watching it. I have been in a few plays and the GOAL is to IMPRESS the audience. To make them CHEER you on. To make them LIKE you or the play. To make them ENJOY themselves. To make them LAUGH. To make them FEEL like they are in the scene with you.

But in real life, it's a little different. We are not here to impress ANYONE. I mess up on this sometimes. Ultimately, we are not here to want people to cheer us on, like us, enjoy themselves because of us, laugh, or make them feel like they are "in it" with us. We are here for Jesus. He is sitting in the audience...

Cheering us on.
Making us enjoy OURSELVES because of the price He paid for us.
He is "in it" with us. At all times.

Wow. So true. We really have an audience of one and it feels good to know that no matter who we please or not please, it doesn't even matter. What matters is what He thinks. What He sees. He is watching us in the audience.

The most important thing in this life is Jesus. HE IS OUR AUDIENCE. Even though I only listed one name, He is more powerful than any crowded audience out there. An audience of one.

"Jesus says that we do not have to flatter our way into an audience with the King. He’s our Dad, and we can talk to him because he is our Dad. He has given us that right, so we can be confident that he hears us.

There's one chair. And it's taken.

Jesus sees us up here on this "stage."
He knows what it's like to be us.
He is cheering for us.
He is watching us.
He is our only audience that counts.
He is right beside us. Always.

We can do it. God's got us!

Love each and every one of you!


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