Blessed by Him. Blessed by others.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Pinky Swear

1. Choose Your Friends Carefully

“The righteous should CHOOSE HIS FRIENDS CAREFULLY, for the way of the wicked leads them astray.” (Proverbs 12:26)

This verse tells us that if we do not chose our friends carefully, we will be lead astray. Directions from God. Word by Word. Why don't we follow them ALL the time?

2. Why we need to choose good "God-Friends"

Again, step by step instructions as to WHY we desperately need these carefully chosen, firm believer friends.

  1. “Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” (Proverbs 11:14)
  2. “A wise man is strong, yes, a man of knowledge increases strength; for by wise counsel you will wage your own war, and in a multitude of counselors there is safety.” (Proverbs 24:5)
  3. “Every purpose is established by counsel; by wise counsel wage war.” (Proverbs 20:18)
  4. “Without counsel, plans go awry, but in the multitude of counselors they are established.” (Proverbs 15:22)
  5. “Listen to counsel and receive instruction, that you may be wise in your latter days.” (Proverbs 19:20)
  6. “Cease listening to instruction, my son, and you will stray from the words of knowledge.” (Proverbs 19:27)
Goodness, this is proof of WHO God WANTS in our lives! Drop everything and write these down! What is our purpose in this life? To serve God, right? To bring Him glory, right? To tell people of his amazing love, RIGHT?

In order to do all these things, we MUST have people there. Friends there. God fearing with us. On our knees.

To help us. Hold us. Pray with us. Believe with us. Cry with us. Laugh with us. And spread His love with us.

3. As Iron Sharpens Iron

“As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.” (Proverbs 27:17)

Godly friends "sharpen" you. They hold you accountable. They walk with you. They listen. But most of all, they love you and they love this sovereign God just like YOU do.

And we ALL ask the question of "Why is this person seeming to disappear from my life?"

"The main reason that God will start to take out the friends in your life that He does not want you to have is because some of these people may be negative influences in your life. They may not be open to growing and maturing in the Lord like you will be, and all they will do is try and hold you back when you start your own spiritual journey and growth in the Lord. They will start criticizing and making fun of you and all they will end up doing is stunting your growth in the Lord.

If you will allow God to prune out the people that He does not want you to have in your life – then what He will start to do is to bring in the people that He will want to have in your life. I call these types of friends “God-friends.” These people will be good, godly and Spirit-filled who are truly walking in good stead with the Lord and they will now be the people that He will want you to share your walk with!"

There ya have it. Simple and Sweet. God will provide. He will take care of us. He will carefully place people we need in our lives to strengthen our relationship with Him. And he will carefully remove people we do not need in our lives that weaken our relationship with Him.

God is good. All the time.

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